About Khayamandi Foundation
By giving to the Khayamandi Foundation, you can meet the needs of many in the Knysna area of South Africa and those in Arua, Uganda. These are just a few examples of how your giving can make a significant impact on children, families, and communities that we have the opportunity to walk along side in their journey to sustainability.
$100 brings us closer to providing clean water to more refugees at the Rhino Refugee Settlement.
$125 covers the cost for one student in the Hands and Heart Skills program for one month.
$175 sponsors one soccer team for one month.
$500 covers the cost of annual school supplies for the entire New Life Early Childhood Development Center.
Monthly Giving is a great way to include charitable contributions in your budget. It is also helpful for the foundation's budget process so that we can be the best stewards of the money entrusted to our care. We want our donors to know the impact they have by sharing impact stories on our website and Instagram page bi-monthly, as well as through our quarterly newsletter. We want you to be informed because YOU make a difference!
If you would prefer to mail your payment, make your check payable to:
Khayamandi Foundation.
Mail to:
Khayamandi Foundation
P.O. Box 211528
Augusta, GA 30917